Modern languages and literature background

Major requirements

Modern languages and literature

French and Francophone studies major (literature, society and culture track)

French and Francophone studies major (literature, society and culture track)

Degree Awarded if Primary Major: Bachelor of Arts

For the French major, students must complete eight courses at the 300 level and above.


FREN 305 Introduction to French Literature, Cultural Studies and Society: The Middle Ages, The Renaissance to Classicism

FREN 320 Masterpieces of French Literature

FREN 325 French for the Professions

FREN 360 Francophone Societies Through Literature and Film

FREN 375 French Civilization, Literature, and Identity: The Revolution to Modernity

FREN 389 Special Topics

FREN 390 Advanced French Conversation, Composition and Cultural Studies

FREN 400 Senior Capstone Seminar: Contemporary French Society

FREN 490 Independent Study

Total Credits Required: 32 at the 300 level or above

At least four of the eight courses for the French major must be taken at St. Norbert College.

It is strongly recommended for French students to study abroad on an SNC faculty-led global seminar, an SNC summer program, or an SNC semester study abroad program. Information about international programs and study abroad opportunities can be found here:

Note: Students interested in earning teacher licensure in French must also complete the K-12 major in Education. See the Education [EDUC] section for additional certification requirements.

Spanish major

Spanish major

It is strongly recommended for French, German, or Spanish language majors to study abroad on an SNC faculty-led global seminar, an SNC summer program, or an SNC semester study abroad program. Find more information about international programs and study abroad opportunities. A minimum cumulative St. Norbert College GPA of 2.75 is required for study abroad, although individual programs may have a higher GPA requirement.

The Spanish major consists of eight courses at the 300 level and above. The following three courses are required:


SPAN 300 Making Connections: Conversation, Composition and Culture

SPAN 389 Special Topics

(must be taken at SNC)

SPAN 400 Senior Capstone Seminar

(Spring; must be taken at SNC in the junior or senior year)

Five of the following courses:

SPAN 301 Introduction to Hispanic Film and Media

SPAN 302 Introduction to Hispanic Literary Texts and Media

SPAN 311 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

SPAN 365 Latin American Civilization: South America and the Caribbean

SPAN 370 Latin American Civilization: Mexico and Central America

SPAN 375 Spanish Civilization

One 300-level elective

Total Credits Required: 32

Students must complete SPAN 301, SPAN 302, or SPAN 311 before taking SPAN 389, depending on the specific SPAN 389 Special Topics course offered in a given semester. Please note that either SPAN 301 or SPAN 302 is the prerequisite for literature/culture SPAN 389 Special Topics courses, while SPAN 311 is the prerequisite for linguistics SPAN 389 Special Topics courses and other advanced linguistics courses. Students may not take both SPAN 365 and SPAN 370. At least five of the eight courses for the Spanish major must be taken at St. Norbert College.