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Contact Accounting Services

Liliya Davidova
Liliya Davidova
Assistant Director of Endowment Management
Location: Todd Wehr Hall, 218
Phone: 920-403-3152
Phone: 920-403-3152
Fax: 920-403-4085

• Endowment accounting
• Endowment budgeting
• Investment accounting
• Planned giving accounting
• Gifts accounting (deferred gifts, designated gifts, etc.)

see photo See Photo
Sally Gazza
Sally Gazza
Director of Accounting Services
Location: Todd Wehr Hall, 217
Phone: 920-403-1358
Phone: 920-403-1358
Fax: 920-403-4085

• Grants/capital projects
• Tax compliance
• Chart of accounts maintenance
• Financial reporting
• Audit/internal controls

see photo See Photo
Heather Oates
Heather Oates
Accounts Payable Specialist
Location: Todd Wehr Hall, 215
Phone: 920-403-3248
Phone: 920-403-3248
Fax: 920-403-4085

• Supplier payments
• Employee reimbursements/expense reports
• New supplier set-up
• W-9/Tax exempt forms

see photo See Photo
Shelby Roeser
Shelby Roeser
Location: Todd Wehr Hall, 213
Phone: 920-403-3961
Phone: 920-403-3961

• Corporate credit card (expense card) administration
• Journal entries
• Fixed assets
• Vendor credit applications
• Computer loans

see photo See Photo

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